Police shooting death of Patrick Lyoya death analyzed by experts | USA TODAY

After a young man died during a police encounter in Grand Rapids, Michigan, experts reviewed video of the incident and shared their perspectives.

RELATED: Patrick Lyoya’s death sparks protests in Grand Rapids

The Grand Rapids police officer who killed motorist Patrick Lyoya missed several opportunities to peacefully resolve the encounter, according to policing and civil rights experts. So did Lyoya, some of them said.

Lyoya, 26, died April 4 after being shot in the head. He had attempted to run from the officer who stopped him. The pair wrestled on the ground during a struggle over the officer’s stun gun, before the officer pulled his pistol and fired the fatal shot.

Grand Rapids police released video of the incident this week, prompting protests in Grand Rapids and renewing calls for police reforms in Michigan and beyond. The Michigan State Police are investigating the officer’s actions in the shooting. His name has not been released.

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